Donations to The Traditional Redemptorist Missioners, for our apostolate and upkeep, are tax-deductible, as we are a recognized 501c3 charitable organization.
We accept monetary donations via Check/MO or Pay-pal, as well as offering the means of support by purchasing items from our wish-list page. Links below.
Your prayers for us to do God’s will and to be able to help the poor and abandoned souls will be the best way you can help our community.
St. Alphonsus has us pray four times a day for our benefactors, so your intentions are always remembered in our daily prayers.
Deo gratias et Mariae!
If you care to make a donation by CK / MO,
please make payable to: "Traditional Redemptorist Missioners"
Please do not make payable to " Fr Alphonsus" or to " Holy Redeemer House".
Send Donations to:
Traditional Redemptorist Missioners
C/O Holy Redeemer House
15959 Bryce Rd.
Mussey, MI 48014-2906.
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions. Your generous donation will fund our mission.
The link below takes you to HRH's wish-list of items we are in need of.
By following the link below and purchasing these items, you are showing
us your kind and generous support.
Traditional Redemptorist Missioners
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